I'm slightly more than halfway through my second semester at SVA. I am taking classes in etching, abstract painting, constructed painting (painting on non-traditional/sculptural surfaces), and two art history classes; I am enjoying all of them. Since I got back to NYC, I began and have enjoyed the responsibilities of two internships: at the Nicholas Robinson Gallery and assisting artist Mollyne Karnofsky. My weeks have been and will continue to be very busy, which will help to explain why this post will be brief and future posts will likely be as brief. Below you will see some of the paintings, etchings, and constructions I've produced thus far this semester. Further below I will some of the work completed during the summer.
Paintings, all untitled:


constructions, photographed poorly:
rusted steel plates and wire
(detail of the above)
leather and fabric from and old football and wire.
Paintings, all untitled:
constructions, photographed poorly:
Below is some work I did over the summer. Thematically, it is akin to what I was doing at the end of last semester, using imagery from Juli Anna's ancestral family as source material. However, as I had no access to a silkscreening studio, I resorted to making stencils and using spray paint. Other color is added either with more spray paint or oil pastel. Some of the texture was achieved with sandpaper. The one with the sailboat is an altered print that I found. The first image below is on glass.
I love reading your blog, B. I am so incredibly impressed by your talent and how far you've come on your journey. I am loving that you are loving your life now and getting to do what you love to do. yay! Can't wait to see you at Christmas! :)